Popular Games

Only a fly was missing in the multiplayer space. This is exactly what the Flyordie Io developers have focused on. Cool idea about the absorption of objects by insects. They make your character bigger. The more you managed to absorb, the more you became, respectively. Simple control makes your pastime carefree and simple. No need to puzzle over all sorts of tactics. Just move non-stop and grow.

That’s all you need to know about the plot. It is worth mentioning that skirmishes with large insects must be avoided. Otherwise, you risk being slammed. Fascinating browser idea with great storyline and graphics!

Combining into teams, many modes, a bunch of insect development branches and clans – all this in one place! Don’t stop at difficulties. They will teach you not to give up. This story will give you a charge of positive and good emotions on the most cloudy and bad day!